Sunday, January 20, 2013

New Years And The Importance Of Setting Commitments

Well its pretty deep into the new year now.  It would still be silly to ask how everyone is doing on their new year's goals because after 20 days, not enough time has passed to see how our "resolutions" are going to pan out. 

I want focus on the term "resolution".  I really hate that term.  At one time the word "resolute" carried more weight, it meant something.  It meant that the person that was making the resolution was going to do something to follow through with that resolution, and that they would not stop until they accomplished what they set out to do.  These days...not so much.  These days, the term "resolution" carries a negative stigma that has become the butt end of countless jokes.  That's because a resolution is made without the actual thought that they may be achieved, in fact they are almost expected to fail.  With that concept in mind, there is no longer any weight, or even point for that matter, in making a resolution.

Instead of making a new years resolution, I like to make New Years "commitments".  I feel that making a commitment these days carry more force, more weight, than making the traditional resolution.  That might seem like a funny statement, mainly because even though in definition they are really not terms related to each other at all.

So making a New Year's commitment sends a different signal to the brain and affects us differently than making a new years "resolution"  because it has a different meaning.

So my "commitments" for the year, if you're wondering is the following:

  1. write in this blog at least three times a week to start off and then try and up it to 5
  2. Ive had a small business in the background for sometime now.  I want to build it up so that its livable and I can take the extra time I have and start volunteering for different causes around the area.
  3. be more locally sociable, and not necessarily just within the same old same old group Ive been in.  I will always be fully involved in the social circle I currently am in...but I need to expand too.
and that's it.  Its pretty simple.  You should try it and as you go through the year, don't be afraid to let us know how you're making out!

Untill then, Happy New Year and may 2013 be 100x's better than 2012

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