Sunday, January 20, 2013

Red Bull Gives You Wings...Sort Of...not really?

So in New York, a lawsuit was filed in the U.S District Court for the Southern District of New York, Claiming that Redbull, everyones' favorite energy drink that "gives you wings" doesn't exactly give you wings. Now this might be a little old news but I found this extremely fascinating, because Ive never thought that energy drinks did any real good, at least not to the extent that they claim too and Ive always thought that they were kind of a health problem, despite any claims they may make.

The lawsuit casts echoing doubt that the energy drink has as much caffeine in it as it once claimed. It sites recent reports seen in the scientific journal Nutrition Reviews and The New York Times.  Whats interesting about the lawsuit is that they listed the milligrams of caffeine that are found in several different products, such as No Doz, for instance that has 100 milligrams of caffeine for about  50 cents, and yet Red Bull's 8.4 oz energy drink contains about 80 milligrams at $2.19 a can...which i can verify that type of pricing giving I used to work at a gas station and sold the stuff all the time.  According to the lawsuit their findings found that a 12 oz cup of coffee would contain significantly more caffeine than than the same size can of Red about $1.85, cheaper than the energy drink.

My thoughts?  I'm really not surprised.  Ive always been concerned about the validity and usability of energy drinks which have a consumption limit warning on them.  I think Red Bull for instance has a limit of 2 or three a day depending on the size, same with Monster drinks. 5 hour energy is something like two servings a day and believe it or not, those little bottles of 5 hour energy are 2 servings a piece!

Whats really funny is this fact had been largely unknown until these studies came out and a man by the name of Benjamin Careathers of the Bronx NY, who is the lead plaintiff of this lawsuit, by the way, had been drinking Red Bull since 2002.  that's around eleven years now!  And Red Bull has been around a lot longer than that!  Can you imagine not being aware of what you were actually putting in your body all that time?  Or in this case, what you weren't putting in your body?  That's kind of scary actually.  It makes me wonder what else other these companies are hiding from the public!

The reason I have such animosity towards these energy drinks is because, frankly it seems like they are being marketed to people that are not really all that healthy.  Think about it!  If you were healthy, eating right, keeping your exercise up and generally taking care of your body properly, no one should need  to have things like Red Bull, or Monster or whatever energy you throw a dart at and hit.  I think that we are basically using these things as a replacement to good healthy habits that we should be developing.

And you parents, watch what your kids are drinking. There is absolutely no excuse for letting your 10 year old kid drink cans of Monster and Red Bull. How irresponsible and incompetent are you? You are going to end up screwing up your kids metabolism and sleeping rhythm doing that.  That's going to have far reaching negative effects on those kids bodies.  Not really giving them the great start in life they deserve are you?
How about this?  Instead of using an energy drink to keep yourself awake because of your bad eating and sleeping habits, how about just change your diet and develop a good sleeping pattern?  That would go a long way towards a healthier lifestyle, and hey!  You may not even have to drag through work!

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