Friday, January 25, 2013

Recess Appointments and the Federal Court

So from New Mexico's Womens Rights issues strait to Washington, President Obama's recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board have been brought into question and was examined by a Federal appeals court.  The court ruled in favor of the plantiffs, stating that the appointments were unconstitutional because even though the Senate was away on vacation it was technically still in session because lawmakers gaveled in and out every couple of days during that time...

How many people think that the GOP did this on purpose?  Always finding ways to prevent Obama or anyone else they disagree with from actually getting things done that clearly needs to be done.  And of course the GOP's reason for challenging the appointments?  Oh well, the agency these people appointed are pro union and unions are bad.

Of course they are...that's why they must be stopped.  How dare they seek fair employment practices and policies!  Don't they know that they are supposed to stack the cards against the little guy so these company owners can continue to get rich off the work of these people.  fair treatment indeed.

That's the problem with a lot of these big businesses that keep trying to eliminate things like Unions.  Unions are not a bad thing, in fact, when approached properly, they actually benefit workers very much.  It keeps them from working for a pittens wage, they procure better benefits and better working conditions.  But this is exactly why big business villainies them.  They don't want to pay those kinds of wages, or give them any kind of fair treatment.  That costs them money...a small fraction of their money mind you, but it still costs them, and they don't want to put even a dime extra out. 

A fantastically blatant example of this extreme aversion to unions is the biggest retailer and job provider in the world...Walmart.  Walmart Super Centers in of themselves  typically employ somewhere between four hundred to five hundred people. Thad's a lot and if you take into consideration all of their stores country wide.  A number that I saw places their employees at two million give or take.  Personally, I think that deserves some kind of representation of the union kind!

But what does Walmart do?  If you even mention the word union they will probably fire you.  They've even been known to shut down whole locations (one in New Jersey for instance) if there is enough people in a store talking about a trying to form a union.   The company even has a private jet on standby so they can fly to the location and conduct investigations and root out the subversive influences and get rid of them. 

Now why do I keep talking about Unions?  Because that's what the GOP directly pointed at when challenging the recess appointments that President Obama made.  therefore it only makes sense that we focus on Unions and their roll in this situation. 

Really all this situation is, in reality, an attempt to do away with unions all together.  We've seen it happen on the state level in Wisconsin, the GOP would LOVE to see it happen nation wide.  Lets hope that doesn't happen because if it does it will turn into even a worse free for all than it already is.

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