Thursday, January 24, 2013

Kids With Guns...In Schools

Just when you thought that GOP members couldn't make themselves look any worse than they already of them finds a way to lower the bar even further.  Today's goofball?  South Carolina lawmaker Senator Lee Bright.

Our dear Mr. Bright has an interesting idea bouncing around the air pocket that passes for his brain.  Lets not only allow our high school students be armed...but lets also teach them how to use them efficiently.  His theory is that the more armed people in proximity of a potential shooter will prevent something like Sandy Hook from happening again.

How monumentally stupid are these people?  First it was "lets put guns in the hands of the teachers", which is a terrible idea to begin with.  Now they are seriously considering putting guns into the hands of children?  Really?  Just looking at both of these concepts makes my brain hurt.

So lets take the idea of arming the teachers for a moment.  Gunman breaks into a school in anywhere USA intending to shoot it up, repeat performance of the mass school shootings of the past.  The teachers are armed.  Who in the hell do you think the first person getting shot is?  Of course the teachers, obviously...which then leaves the shooter to go on an even worse spree because he shot the people that could have stopped him immediately.  Then we end up with a lot of dead teaching staff and a worse massacre than Sandy Hood for instance.

Of course that logical and the GOP does not want you to think logically, It just wants you to follow their nonsense blindly.  Someone comes up with this point and the GOP goes "How dare you make a valid point that contradicts our donors beliefs.  You shouldn't do that."

Then...It of course gets worse.  Arming children.  Yeah they are in high school.  OK...does  no one else see an inherent problem in this.  Columbine ring any bells?  Were they not teenagers. Now in that case Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the two alleged shooters, were going to high school.  Its bad enough that the GOP wants to arm teachers but do they really want to make another Columbine super easy to repeat?  That begs the question...does the GOP really want to encourage an availability that would exacerbate the current problem and make it worse?

I just cant get over how monumentally stupid these people are!

Now from what Ive seen there is no response from the precious NRA and their gun manufacture donors...yet.  I can only imagine how they are secretly reacting though.  "Oh my god...they want to arm the children in these schools now.  Oh...My...GOD!!!  More gun sales for the manufacturers!  YES!"  Now don't get me wrong...I hope that the NRA is at least smarter than to buy in to the nonsense that Representative Bright is spewing.  But given their history I'm not betting on it.

It would be a step in the wrong direction if this actually happened.  We need better and reasonable level headed gun control in this country.  To move in a direction that would result in anything less would be suicide of sorts.

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