Friday, January 25, 2013

GOP And Womens Rights

Its pretty well known that the Republican party absolutely hates women having rights.  In fact so much do they hate it that giving women any rights is like them crying "See?  See? We give women rights too!" Only...when it comes to their personal religious beliefs they turn out to be some of the most ignorant oppressive people on the planet!

Rep. Cathrynn Brown (R), who is one of the state Representatives in New Mexico, has introduced a bill into the state senate that would further diminish women's reproductive rights, which the GOP is huge on by the way, in the case of violent sexual crime committed against them.

quote: "Relating to criminal law; specifying the  procuring of an abortion as tampering with the evidence in cases of criminal sexual penetration or incest". Tampering with the evidence of course is among other things, defined as "destroying, hiding or changing" the physical evidence to prevent the apprehension of the offending party.

So there you have it!  "you've been raped?  What a horrible situation, its got to be hard for you!  Lets put this guy behind bars so you get closure and he cant ever do this again.  By the still have the resulting fetus right?  No?  Bad news..there is nothing we can do for you.  Worse news, you're going to jail for 3 years.  Sad day for you."

Now this shouldn't come as a surprise.  The GOP is constantly trying to find ways to take reproductive rights away from women and this is just another attempt.  One that hopefully doesn't pass, we will see.  But I find it so funny that the GOP constantly yelps and screams about the so called "Liberal Agenda" which by the way helps a lot of people in the long run, but then tries to push their religious ideology on others through politics and legislation. 

Lets face it.  The fight over whether abortion is acceptable socially or not is not an argument that's born from medically sound science.  Its a pure assault on humanity by religious fundamentalists.  Somehow in their heads because they believe in this invisible sky god from wherever, that means that everyone else should and dammit if you're not following that little black book then they are damn well going to make you through legislative action. 

Looks like they skipped over the part of the constitution that states very clearly, raising no question as to what it means.  It reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"  As they are continuously trying to pass such laws they are violating that amendment left and right.  Clearly the constitution is not nearly as important to them as they try to make out. 

If you want to read the bill in full yourself go to Here to read the full document as submitted in New Mexico

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