Thursday, January 24, 2013

Michelle Obama Rolls Her Eyes...The Media's Collective Head Explodes!


Oh there it is!  Apparently a cardinal sin among those who saw it.  So the set up here is, after the inauguration, the President and the First lady (and this is very standard for new or second term Presidents) Have lunch with the opposing party leaders, in this case the Republican party.
Its this is a situation where no one really knows what was actually said.  There is one theory that GOP Representative John Boehner said something that the First Lady was wholly unimpressed with.  That source, as reported by The Huffington Post, is a lip reader and believes that the comment made by Rep. Boehner had to do with President Obama and having a cigarette (which I was surprised to learn that he had been a smoker...good for you for quitting Mr. President!).  If correct, this lip reader also said that a comment was made in that dialog that indicated that Michelle wouldn't let him.
So lets assume that was the case.  It could have been something else of course and this lip reader could be a hundred percent wrong.  But lets assume he's not.  What an amazingly insensitive and rude comment to make about the First Lady.  I used to smoke and I can tell you that it is massively important to have someone to keep you responsible when you are trying to quit that ridiculous habit!  The fact that she was successful shows how dedicated she was to helping, and continuing helping her husband to quit.  That's just what any good partner would and should do.
The problem I have with the GOP, among the many other problems I have with the GOP, Is that they just  don't seem to have a brain to mouth filter.  They don't seem to understand that some things shouldn't be said or even thought of.  This is a prime example.  In this case the President himself seemed to take it in stride, and the First lady rolled her eyes and I would assume that she simply brushed it off later on.  But the GOP pulls these kinds of things all the time.  Usually we hear about it later on when someone leaks the contents of a private meeting, as was the case where Romney had discounted a larger number of the people in the United States as being something he wasn't concerned about.  and its not just the politicians that do this.  Its also non office holding people of the GOP that are the most quotable in this.  Throw a dart into the Fox News studio and you're probably going to hit someone that has been guilty of this...sometimes purposely.
I personally give the first lady a pass on this one.  If that's indeed what transpired, and Representative Boehner did indeed made such a snide comment, then she had every right in the world to be irritated.  I think that Michelle Obama was very reserved in her reaction.  Personally I would have probably cupped the back of his head with my hand.  But then that's why I don't hold office, because I'm pretty sure that I would get fired for that.

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