Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Film Maker Pitches A Disasterous Film Idea

So all of us are far too familiar with the horrific tragedy that played out in Newtown Connecticut On December 14th 2012, just a week before Christmas Day.  Such a tragedy and what I always find amazing is how the community that it happens in really comes together, supports each other.  Its almost like Christian fundamentalism doesn't exist in such time, they just help.  I wish I could see that happen more often than it actually does.

If there is one definite time the Newtown community should be even more close knit after this tragedy,  its now.  never should such a devastating event like this one be churned for profit.  But of course, they have barely buried their loved ones and someone already wants to take a shot at filling their pockets

Hollywood Director Jonathan Bucari, known for 2011's made for TV movie "The Sacrificial Lamb"  Has announced he wants to make a movie based on the Newtown Tragedy.  Huffington Post quotes Burcari as saying he had chosen a different town that was close by because he "didn't want to upset the residents so soon after the killings"

What a joke this guy is!  If he wants to be sensitive to the residents of Newtown then he shouldn't be trying to make a movie out of the event to begin with.  These people in many cases lost their world when they lost their children to that maniac, and now some movie making maniac wants to twist the knife some more?  Out of the question!

If Bucari wants to make a documentary, why not make one on the importance of keeping these kinds of weapons out of the hands of the populace so things like that wont happen.  That man was able to do the things he did because he had access to "unreasonably powerful weapons That have no business in a home" as one parent testified, weapons, he continued "that belong in an armory, not in a home weapons locker." 

How about doing a professional documentary expose on unreasonably easy it is to get our hands on, as civilians, on these ridiculously powerful weapons that can fire a hundred rounds a minute (that might be an exaggeration mind you.  I don't know how long it would take to go through a clip with a hundred rounds)

The town that Bucari has chosen to shoot this film says its just too soon.  I'm making a fair guess of where he wont be shooting this "documentary".  In fact if I was one of the residents of Newtown, CT, I would be telling this guy where to go and how to get there. In fact I would rally the town together and sue the guy if he actually did make and release the film.  This is a film that just simply should not be made.  Its inconsiderate, its a money grab.  Bucari has no business making a film about a horrific event like this.  Its not a post 9/11 thought process here.  Let the victims rest in peace, and let the survivors heal

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