Monday, September 10, 2012

Pulled Into Drama...NO!

You know...I really hate being pulled into drama.  We all have our thoughts about different people in the fandom or otherwise.  That's fine...opinions are natural, and differing opinions are just as natural.  But when you have a gripe with someone, it is of bad character to start pulling other people into whatever argument or gripe you have with that person.

Just had that happen on Twitter, not that Twitter is the proper place to hold a debate, but apparently people have other ideas about that.  The argument centered around Dragoneer, and his supposed hypocritical actions.  You know what?  Whatever the deal is between him and other people...its none of my business.  I happen to consider him a friend too, and I don't want to get involved in any drama that's going on between him and other people.

In fact I don't want to be involved with drama of any kind anymore.  Its just not my thing anymore.    I'm 32, I'm getting too old for that nonsense.  Just back the drama truck up and drive it away from me.

And for those of you who sit there and have a slack jaw about him or anyone else you might have a gripe about...I think you can find something more constructive to do with your time....just saying...

Judgement Comes...But Not From me

Judging.  We have a definite problem with judging in this fandom.  But its not just a fandom problem, its a human problem.  Someone does something or a series of somethings, and then it follows them for the rest of their lives.  Oh they may try and live their lives in a way that is better than just doing the same old same old that got them in trouble in the first place, trying to make up for what they did in the past...or forget the past and move on to greener pastures, but they never really shake the stigma that they created for themselves, but they never

See what happens here is people become overly judgmental of people.  You did what 10 years ago that I wasn't there for or was even involved with?  Oh I cant be friends with've clearly changed or are trying too, but I'm going to be a judgmental and close minded dick, judge you and then spread your past all over the internet for whatever reason, ruining your chances of ever repairing and perhaps, God forbid, having a good reputation in the future because of your hard work.

There is a guy in the fandom...another husky, that has unfortunately had a sortied past, didn't start out gaining the best reputation.  Basically repeatedly screwed up, and gained a reputations years before I ever heard of the fandom, someone even thought that, though not illegal to do, it was socially acceptable to post his criminal record on wikifur for all to see, even had people link me to that page and multiple people warn me about him....I had exactly zero to do with whatever went down, but somehow now in 2012 I should be judging him according to many and treating him just the same way as everyone else does, even though what he had done happened a decade ago.

Sorry, wrong again Bob!  I don't play on that team, or even play that game for that matter.  I stopped playing that game, ooooooh about the time I turned 15.  I just found that, though I couldn't put it into words at the time, that people who do that are of very low character...especially adults and should know better than that.  That's the behavior one would expect from inexperienced children.

In fact the only reason I would do something like that is if a person has done something unforgivable like harming a child...Then I would be sitting in judgement of them, because they ruined them...probably for life.

See, what I essentially did was take a heavy dose of grow the fuck up.  I would highly recommend that many of the people in this fandom do the same.  I don't sweat the small stuff.  things that happened a decade ago is considered small stuff in my world.  Don't bring high school semantics to me...I promise you I will not be impressed and will think less of you if you do.