Saturday, January 10, 2015

Craigslist: An Interesting Source of the Unusual!

So in looking for a place to live I posted an ad on Craigslist looking for a roomshare.  This was one of the responses I I ask you...what the fuck is this about:

I have been here 6 yrs now its a great area quite and rite on the 124 bus line got a view of seattle the best is my $800.00 rent is discounted we pay $200.00 each for rent power cable and internet I have my own small business I take care of 7 days a week from 8 am to 6 pm I spend my time at home keeping the place in tip top shape go through my job details and have entertainments to pick from I have cartoon videos songs a boat motorhome tennis bike I write short storys and get involved in brainstorming simple solutions to lifes set backs not just for me but for the good of all 2 months and you will know me and my plight in life I keep thigs simple and stay happy even in disappointing event I can make it still good just by a pat on my own back for preventing and stoping things from really going on three steps forward 1 step back by no fault of my own 95 % complete and still work in progress. not just for perfection its for my foot prints effects on others around me I come into contact with. My motive and intent is success not fail its all just simple basic common since we should all know and not have to stop everything to tell someone I work and think of work 12 hrs I have fun and think of fun 4 hrs and I sleep and think of when will I get to go in and get some sleep 24/7 365 days a yr simple squedual and routine to follow and plan around to take a look ahead and see where Im going and whats happening aleart aware observant and pay attention at all times Im alive if not Im a walking zombie dead running smack into disaster after anoghter talking about them and not looking where im going run smack into more (DRAMA) I spend all my time preventing avoiding stoping disasters altering my course and now I have no bad things happen and I just spent my time making good things happen Its not easy being cheesey Comunication talking and listening is a good skill to master 1+1 = 2 but if there and more than one needed then we nave to have everything to be alright and it always turns out unexpected things just happen and so I prepare for that the unnexpected1+1+ 2 times that by 8 plus 2 extra for the unexpected and now its all changed I just told a story to find out if a person whos hereing it can follow everything with me and come to the right answer If I was to ask others to be meek and then they should be inheriting the earth not those who are not meek I hate to be ignored and have to repete my self when I have things need to be done to not be a failure the story is trying to say is with a hidden message in it only those who listen very close and are really smart can understand those wwho don't and are not smart misunderstand Ones actions reaction on others around them. I have 114 things to do in a day and I haave to think of whitch I can do and whitch I cant do until I get more things and I wont know whitch aof the 115 I will get only 42 of them done So I haave to take all the time to think needed to figure these things out Prioritys straight. Time management. You just do this get 1 pizza but I know it takes you 16 things to do to get 1 pizza and I help with any I can umm pizza but if I told them to talk with me about titalywinks for 2 hrs and I get upset if they didn't and not spend 2 hrs talking about the 1 pizza quess what we have to starve now. If I take 12 hrs on my 115 things at work just to get 42 done and I get told to stop and talk about titalywhinks I wont They should not even have asked me too I was a little imature child and I grew up into a mature adult I don't have time to play like I did as a child. We can give a person a fish or we can teach them how to get there own  for a lifetime. Some don't want to ;learnI should have to tell things they should know basic common since don't make me say things twice antagonize just to give anomositys just need a excuse to create to have a resson to start a fight. no body wants to have to do all that dirty nasty stinking work I don't eather I have enogh to do let alone doing others work for them while they ignore me sit on their lazy ass thinking they are smart and special I will go get them a fish every day for their whole life time and bring it back to them and I have to do all the work------Dishes rinse the second done eating or spend 10 minute scrubbing off dry food Vacuming dusting washing windows doing laundry cleaning out fridge tolite bathtub----6 yrs I have been here and everything is just the rite way I do it and if others watch me and then I watch them do it different. my whole life is getting destroyed little by little I will lose and have nothing. People walk into my place the first day here Its not their way and that's the only way and no other way but their way good thing I have a high tolerance and don't break easy.  communication I like to say things in a good way not a bad way Storys beating around the bush suttle hints sabliminal messages don't work then I have to do it the other way dumb dumbs are not very bright Now I have to be blunt straight to the point mean and rude and tell them straight to the point Black eyes broken nose fat lip busted out teeth broken jaw cracked ribs sucking through a straw trying to breath for 6 mo in a hospital while Im locked up for inflickeing bodylyharm just to think about next time Im talking they will listen the first time and understand next time I talk to them. senerio anolagy hypotheticaly speaking as example talk comincate telling a story in perables with hidden messages for those who are smart and meek taking the time to listen and understand---See I need to know who I let into my place to live with and I can tell the first half hr.  why would I want to live and let in who ignores me to dumb to understand lasy don't like to work wwith intent and motives to creat excuse to strt fighting for hrs ( NOT ) drama -2 mo. if we are still with each other then things will be ok if you don't think you will make it then stop now before we even try I tell you my plans and you know them now You tell me you and so I know them and we can paln are lives around each other smooth life day after day in peace happy simple harmony successful not failing. any change call tell plans changed and its all good if not and surprised at last second its disaster fail not success  and the fights on If I cant muster up the strength and courage to be bold enogh and strong enough to tell you I ate the last twinky I will right a note and put it under your pillow to find and read so you know and that gos for every one Its hard to find the rite words or time to say something but it has to be said even if its in a note ( Relationships) a Note said someone raped his 8 yr old daughter the guys in prison for life from this little advice. he would have never known she would have keeped it a secret and the purpatraure would be still out there doing it to others I wrote to the dept of ed in wash D.C. 2 grade school kids need to have added to the criteria communication talking listening and giving feed back Comformation acknowlagment for closure is comforting. to go on. Then send the kids to math science socialstudys and history these kids these days can even talk and understand how can we expect them to be able to learn anything  One misunderstanding will cause 16 more things to go wrong. now we have 17 things messed up that need to take time to fix Now take that one Multiply it by a million others just like them and we have 17 million things wrong that could have been stopped & prevented. ---- As to why im writing a 2 hr email to a stranger.there are others your #-162 do with it what you will 2 or 20 might pass it on to others  this email and its contents that have any merit to them at all that really shows me and you my faith and how I feel about humanity and my other fellow human beings I feel ashamed to be called one of them and to be a part of it.Uterly despicable  Do you know that 5 things I do will make life on this planet for every single person bliss. Take away one thing and 5000 bad things stop. everyone talks about the 5000 things and not the one thing that is causing them we can have a good life in 2 yrs if everyone would just start doing things rite . Oh pass the buck sweep it under the rug let some one else do that work while they just want to play.This shit should have been done 1600 yrs ago and it still not done.we should have been born into a perfict world and had perfic lives not into this fucking mess and all the shit we had happen to us...---now its on us we will be to blame if we don't get things done and the future people look back and say we didn't do anything we should have its us to blame and are fault. when will humans get up off their ass unite and start to fix things not in my life time.  I cant do it alone Ive tried sending this out for 10 yrs now and not one person ahas accepted and joined my phlight. what a shame we all are educated advanced highteck sophisticated smart and think we are civilized. crock of bull honkey. I see savage ignorant brutal beast who don't know how to talk ccomunicate listen understand give the time to take answering with feed back and be a meek person. Solid foundation for all humanity to live by

#-1 To give credit recognition acknolagment comformation praise and say thanksd for our lives and all we have been given. Gratefull or Un Apretiate or Un Conciderate or Un I HUMBLE MY SELF TO THE ALL MIGHTY POWER WHO HAS CREATED THIS ALL AND EVERYTHING I SEE AND KNOW OF

#-2 tO MEET NESSESITYS TO CONTINUE TO EXIST AND SURVIVE  If we cease to exiet what else matters we have to be second

#-3 Comfort and well being of thuse around us here I care I have what you need to take your pain awayHonor do unto others what you want done to you. now pay back free ride and advantage of wont work

#-4 Now with what time we have left we can try to find a companion unity and fellowship we can be alone. If you can find any worthy most are not.

1-2-3-4 Its not 4 companion 2 self 1 creater 3 others last or 2-4-3-1. Its wrong not right why do you think we have jails and guns we cant let one peron go on hurting 10.000 people we would be weak and dumb That we are not Its says that its proficised that we have to wait for Jesus Christ to come back to fix things but even so we should be trying

My legacy I left behind what said I was here To do things to improve the quality of life for the human race, Focus energy effort drive intent & motive not for self gain.You can see its a facted my pure strength of my being bold just by the sound when you here me roar
From the first to the last we are all the same feelings and emotions we all laugh cry happy sad joy pain hunger and thirst its only just our out side and different looks that are different white black brown yellow or red skin short tall fat or thin male or female variety is great we don't all look the same Predgudacee and to be a racesst from the color of a persons skin is not the right way M.L.King Its the content of a persons chatictor. good or bad .I love all people even the ones wwith bad charictor just the few that wont changeand be good I imagin after 2000 more yrs of all the nationalitys interbreeding we will all be the same and look alike racisome will be gone and never seen again The hate resentment anger grudges for revenge fighting killing each other. Its not what we should be doing. Power control and whos in charge the whites blacks Koreans chinesse musloms native japes each all want to rule and remove any one else but it will not ever happen that way. the rainbow is a covenet promiss not to flood the earth but fire next time gLASS GREAN BLUE RED  CLEAR DIAMONS WILL BE COVER THE EARTH AFTER TE FIRE BURNS OUT WITH SOUNDS OF BEAUTIFULL NUSIC FROM THE WIND BLOWING THOUGH THE FORMS LEFT AS EARTH FINALY COOLED FROM THE BURRNING FIRST THAT ENGULFT IT FIRE AND DIRST MAKES GLASS  MINERALS AND OAR MAKE THE COLORS  math can disypher the equation said to be the power of the univerce music sound can be put rite their with the same place and power .there will be sound for ever with out ever stoping it just soothing to be close and this far and feel content about it all the mind was not ment to be of nade to be abke to ck=omprhent the complexatysits a waist to even try argue fight over others interpataions and conclutions Faith just belive and be at peace not at war kill from its conflict. its caused

After having  long good thought this will be thought as and come to ananomis as is the truth and is most  to be thought as   

cherrio jolly ol champ its a pleasure to bee in the presence of your company. I thought I should tell you You don't know rite now but your actualy privalaged to be in the presence of nmy company

Can you mimic me say everything I say repeting it all and then monkey see monkey do. you should be able to do both I can you can too just need to work hard at it, There will be a test and be given grades on your ability and performance. Its like sitting at the table until you've finished eevery bit of spinach and the plate iss clean then you can get up and go not until no privalages no ones special and get to go have fun aandd rewarded nothing until its done. then you can celebrate and earned to deserving it. but not until I don't know why  or where they thought they would be rewarded and celebrate something special they earned and deserve for doing nothing I just don't get where they got that idea from. can you mimic me mimic me mimic me repeate every thing exactly rite the same way I did writing this down to you off the top of my head, its from expireance of me spending 20 yrs over and over just the same as you 20 yrs you have to put in.or your get and do nothing. Tell me whayt you thinks important you knowing every movie and what happened the names and people at places or songs and the singers names maybe you spent 20 yr to learn and know how to lie trick swindle and manipulate.cheat on taxes or studied where and how to save 5 cents on one item or another.. so what we really want to know is if you have been smart spending time or stupid and its easily proved and found as fact with out any question what would you feel if 39 50 yrs you thought you rite and smart was not true as we born live then die ash to ash dust to dust weeach all of us everyone who has been born lived and then died will have a flash where they see the whole life flash before there eyes all the secrets hiding good and bad for them to see everyone will see and be there watching as you stand on judgement day to be judgedI had one a yr for 72 yrs some had 70 a yr for 70 yrs the math lets do it I had 72 things I did wrong and they had 70 times a yr for 70 yrs140.000. bad things wrong they should not have done. to repent ask to be forgiven will remove any punishment but if refused and not done its to the lake of burning fire for enturnity for them to just be smart and follow directions and be a god fearing person from the rath of our father in heaven what would it be to stand in be defiant disobeadiant to such power  not very smart I say we all have free will to chose I m a go fearing man humble my self did nothing wrong praying giving thanks in the name of Jesus to his glory. and his grace

this was take 143 out of 1000  practice edit add remove arrange organize

its all just vanity you thought this was just to you and for you each time I get better its rite off the top of my head rememerized if I stood in front of crowds of people and did this speech by heart not reading at all. to be put in my place and what to use as a base to measure my self I heard one guy use as his base he picked his nose and eat the boogers and he thought he should be put in his place with the rocket scientist who duilds rockets well he was wrong screaming nashing his teeth foaming at the mouth the guy who was there did not let him stay he kicked him out and put him in his place he belonged where they put people who pick there nose and eat there boogers. if that guy wants out of that place he just cant go he has to earn and deserve to leave and go to other places long time for yrs and hard work is how I got here in this place they put me. to think someone can be here for doing nothing then why did I or don't I do nothing too. ahhww now we start to see incentive inishativet get privalages and special rewards and be able to celebrate for sitting on ass doing nothing but thinking your special well have you got a suprize waiting for you. if you think you want to know things and then start to know them and half way through stop and you know and don't have to go to the end and finish wrong...!!! to be meek is to take your time and give to things I took 1 minute and 13 seconds to get to the end and I know the answer others took 26 seconds stoped and think they know is true but its not. 

I can show proff I have evidence and will verafiy beyond any reasonal doubt  of this indisputable truth. Its not me who cant play and have fun be happy I don't have to go back to school and learn things Its them  That's where the intencaty of this battle comes from tell a person the cant play have fun and be happy and they have to go back and learn everything and they wont  agree they will fight and conflict for ever. the best thing to do is walk away from that one person and come back with 10 more and now they have 11 against one to settle this conflict. they think their rite smart say im wrong dunb and they have fun playing be happy while I cant play and be happy having fun go back to school.

yes other peoples actions have reactions on others around them good or there bad. this is of the uptmost importancy its a war of princeapalitys between good and bad god and the enemy its not our war. Im takeing bets put your money where your mouth is I know I wont lose Have 2 19 20 people you find read this and get the results how many agree and how many disagree with every thing I wrote to you.*=D> applause