Monday, July 7, 2014

Gay Parenting Gets ANOTHER Pro Added!

I always have a good chuckle when I see people people on the Right and people who are in religion and not necessarily involved in politics at all, try to provide proof that Gay and Lesbian parents cant raise successful happy children.  Of course their reasoning is never really solid.  They usually just use the "Because God" card.

Whats always been fascinating to me is that science is constantly mushroom clouding that idea, which is based in...because God...with tangible proof to the contrary.  Watching the religious conservative groups driving themselves into the loony bin...also known as they can feel better talking to their sky god and getting the self proclaimed yet baseless proof they need to continue making themselves look like fools to the rest of the world.

Ive always wondered why people will latch onto a God that tells them they were created to be who they are and then immediately turn around and tell them that they are sinners for being who they were created to be.  Its a grievance I see in many religions, but the most notable is here in America of course.

So what spurned this topic today, even though I'm relatively quiet on this blog?  Because I woke up this morning to this wonderful Huffington Post article about the mental health of children who've been raised by Gay and Lesbian parents.

Australian  researches at Australia's University of Melbourne, scored hirer on everything from general health and family cohesion, and then scored the same when it came to things like behavior, mental health and self-esteem, children raised by same sex couples scored just as well!

This was fantastic new for Gay Couples everywhere.  awesome validation for pro same sex parenting!  the research was conducted by Dr. Simon Crouch who works from the Jack Brockhoff Child Health and Wellbeing Program, Centre for Health Equity at the University of Melbourne.  Doctor Brockhoff...I hope to see more about you in the news as you pave the way to furthering the rights of same sex couples worldwide, even if that's not what you originally set out to do!

The original Huffington Post article can be seen HERE.